A collective group of nonprofit organizations in the Englewood community have joined
together to advance community-centered real estate development projects that
improve the quality of life for residents through jobs, housing, and better services and
amenities. The organizations want to leverage the estimated $200M in anticipated
investments in the coming years to provide a pathway for community wealth-building.
Specifically, the goal is to create an opportunity for residents to directly own and control
the various developments across Englewood through a community shared ownership
model, the Englewood Community Investment Vehicle (CIV).
The nonprofit organizations have been working in their respective programs to revitalize
the Englewood community in several areas: Economic, community and workforce
development; urban agriculture, corridor revitalization, housing affordability, small
business development, short and long-term planning and more. A Master Plan is
required to 1) assist the group in organizing and prioritizing the development projects
across five priority commercial corridors that have been organized by nodes, and 2)
identity appropriate development opportunities for a shared ownership model.
While the focus is on the commercial corridors, the Master Plan will also look wholistically at Englewood to identify other opportunities to enhance long-term economic development goals. For more details on the priority commercial nodes, see Section XII: Exhibits This RFP outlines Englewood’s history and progress, background on partner
organizations, project scope, submission requirements, evaluation criteria, and